Online Group Session €45

60 minute session  
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Leanne introduces a beneficial resonance, she is providing an offering, a frequency, and it's the person's choice to match that frequency. When people accept, adapt and match to Leanne's dominant frequency, healing occurs. Online sessions can range from very intense to gentle.

Leanne is working with the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of our being by working with the energy body. Online, Leanne guides the group as a collective, trusting the words you hear and resonate with are for you.

The process on retreat is very different to online, as she can bring much more pin-point individual accuracy as she is directly in-person, speaking, supporting and guiding with bodywork, energetics and mind-body awareness.

Any video content that Leanne shares on her Instagram is from a specific free of charge videoshoot session. All participants willingly sign up, knowing it's a videoshoot, to help share the needed awareness and potency of energy healing & help others to step onto their healing path.

All exchange or paid sessions are a private closed container. STRICTLY no cameras from Leanne or recordings or videos from participants.

These are sacred safe healing spaces. If you camera isn't on, with clear visibility that you are participating you will be removed from the zoom.

At no point during the session will participants be talking.
Everyone's mic will be muted before, during and after the session.

You DON'T need to be able to speak the English language to attend. If you would like to translate your confirmation email into a different language, please copy and paste below information into this translator link


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If you are in a different time zone please use this time converter to make sure the session time aligns for you! 

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Make sure you have received your confirmation email after booking that contains your zoom link and password. If not please reach out via email. 

Once you received your confirmation email explore the private link shared with you about preparation tools, insights, more knowledge and deepening of this work.


  • You are more than welcome to wear headphones
  • Camera ON is a MUST 
    It's your responsibility to have your camera ON + SETUP ready to go for the session. Leanne will be spaceholding for a group and needs full focus on energetics. She cannot help people set up their zoom. If your camera isn't working please exit the zoom and then re-enter.
  • Leanne must be able to see your upper body clearly, ideally your body length ways
    If you don't have your camera and light on and be visible you'll be exited to the waiting room. This is a space to heal not to watch.
  •  STRICTLY no cameras/ recording in this healing space from me or participants. The videos and photos on Instagram are taken during a specific video shoot that is free of charge. Any sessions with an energy exchange is a private sacred healing space.
  • Please arrive a few minutes early to the zoom meeting to ground and settle into your space.
  • No coffee or other stimulant the day of your session.  
  • It's best to lie down flat or with bent knees, with your eyes closed for the session. Ideally with no obstruction like pillows, blankets or bolsters. Unless you have an injury and it needs support. You can lie down on a yoga mat, your carpet, your bed, whatever makes you feel most comfortable.
  • No alcohol or other substances before. 
  • Eat lightly before, an empty stomach is best. 
  • Make sure your devices are charged. You can use your phone, tablet, laptop.  
  • A music playlist will be sent to you in your confirmation email. You are welcome to listen to this during your session, or listen to your own music, or no music at all.
  • During the session your mic MUST be muted at all times.
  • Light on in the room so you can be seen.
  • Some may need a separate device for the music to be played- so TWO devices are best.
  •  Have some water, tissues, and incense and set up your sacred space as you wish.
  •  Imagine this experience as a deep inner body exploration.
  • Come with an open mind, releasing all expectations.
  • Be undisturbed, and have some privacy.
  • Advised to keep pets in a different room to prevent distraction.

I look forward to seeing you!

Love Leanne x


Please know these sessions are NOT suitable for pregnant women and also for other reasons these sessions are not recommended to people prone to mania, seizures, delusion or psychosis or currently on a big medical treatment. People younger than 20 years of age are not to attend these session.