Leanne's work is rooted in getting to know yourself beneath the surface and cultivating pure authenticity and acceptance of self. Loving all of you. 


On Retreat: Leanne shares her unique fuse of energetic abilities, physical therapy and mind-body knowledge, which allows her to meet retreaters meaningfully.
This work with Leanne is uncomfortable. Honesty, vulnerability and accountability is required. If you want to be comfortable, these 7 days are not for you.

More about retreats

In person sessions: When Leanne is back home in Ireland, she holds 3 hour small group sessions with vulnerable sharing circles and cathartic release processes. These sessions are a taste of what it's like to be in a retreat container. 

More about in person sessions

Online sessions: Leanne shares a beneficial resonance. Participates allow themselves to attune to the shared frequency. A beautiful process of closing down mind chatter, feeling into the body and allowing yourself to be in the present moment. Online is very different to retreat and in person sessions. 

More about Online Sessions


We’re all energy. Every second, energy is being transferred within our bodies, from the synapses that spark in our brain to the electrical charges in our heart that keeps our blood flowing and so much more, our bodies are constantly generating energy. We can’t see it, or touch it or taste it, it's the life energy that flows through our bodies. Everyone's body.


Leannes work is rooted and grounded in the path of self love. Pure appreciation, love and acceptance of self. Loving all of you.


The reason people feel called to do this work is to feel better of course. Lead to more understanding, maybe more clarity, awareness, connection to yourself and others, an improved state of being, whatever it is for you.

This work has an amazing way of making us aware of the changes we need to make for the sake of our own personal expansion. If you are not willing to or choose not to take action to make that change, this inner work will make the situation your in and the way you feel worse. Not better.

Don't attend online sessions or a retreat if you don't plan to actually make changes in your life.

There must be an openness to change and move with your expansion.

Any change that takes place needs to take place on all levels of the being, for example something that makes a change on a mental level, also needs to change on an emotional level, also needs to change on a physical level in order to stay in alignment. As humans we are good at bringing awareness to the needed change but not so good at integrating the needed change into physical of every day life. There must be more than just awareness, action is needed.

Whether during or after a retreat, a group in-person or online session you may have received a download, teachings, truths or realisation about your life.

Of course, everyone's will be personal and unique but here's some simple examples to give context:

  • Stop eating dairy food as it doesn't agree with your digestion.
  • You are people-pleasing and need to understand more about this.
  • Take up the hobby you once loved as a child.
  • Boundaries are something you need to explore and before more solid in.
  • You are addicted to scrolling, vape, smoking, porn, sugar, plant medicine and need to heal the root cause.
  • A friendship, partnership or job is not feeling aligned.
  • The environment you spend your time in at the weekend is toxic and is causing the midweek anxiety you have.
  • The cafe you answer work emails at is too loud for you; a quieter environment would be better.
  • You are introverted and don't actually like to be the social butterfly you grew up being.
  • There are many traumatic aspects of your life you haven't dealt with.
  • You are controlling in your relationship.
  • Coffee makes you anxious.
  • You have been putting a mask personalities on to be accepted in a friendship/partnership/work environment and it's not who you really are. 

Your decisions and actions must line up with whatever it is your inner work has made you aware of. NOT RESISTING MAKING A NECESSARY CHANGE

If you are committed to this inner work, it is going to point to necessary or possibly difficult changes you need to make. If you don't want to or are not willing to make a change, This work isn't for you.


  • Become aware of the contents of your subconscious- brings forward what you've been unaware of and shines a light on that you've suppressed and denied out of your awareness. 
  • Revealing what is in the way - where there is blocks or resistance 
  • Re-owning of self - become more authentic and live from your personal truth.
    •Seeing the pushed away aspects of self that caused vulnerability and reconnecting with those parts to show you who you really are. 
  • Stepping out and changing negative patterns and cycles. 
  • Getting into a reality outside of the mind.
  • with more awareness takes you out of denial and deflection. 
  • Rekindling the positive aspects and gifts that have been suppressed. 
  • Understanding the importance of creating your existence with intention and focus
  • Revealing the many ways we have not actually resolved things we think we've resolved. The reason why they are repeating. 
  • Living from a place of truth. Perceiving life clearer and seeing things as they really are. Creates empowerment.
  • This awareness enhances your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. It is painful and exhausting to not be unaware. It is draining to be pushing and suppressing things away. Suppression causes fatigue and disease. As you liberate the suppressed energy, the energy of consciousness can flow through all the different aspects of you. 


During a session

The experiences can vary significantly from person to person, and there is no right or wrong to experience the healing process. Each heals in their own unique way and at their own pace

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Session layout

How a session is held by Leanne & 3 tools to help you be present in a session.

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